Britain should acknowledge the harm it has done to the

Palestinian people and make amends to them.


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The coverage of the BBC is "misleading " and causes public "bewilderment"

In 2006 an independent panel for the Governors reported on the BBC coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.


They reported

There are, in particular, gaps in coverage, analysis, context and perspective.. In summary, the finding is that BBC coverage does not consistently constitute a full and fair account of the conflict but rather, in important respects, presents an incomplete and in that sense misleading picture.

More specifically, these shortcomings include an absence of historical background and deficiencies in the provision of other contexts
(such as the role of the wider Middle East in the conflict), and insufficient analysis and interpretation of some important events and issues, including shifts in Palestinian society, opinion and politics. There was little reporting of the difficulties faced by the Palestinians in their daily lives.

Interestingly, the evidence shows that most viewers and listeners, at least within the UK,
present a different challenge. They regard the BBC as unbiased. But they say they do not
understand the conflict and, perhaps for that reason, do not see it as important or interesting.
Given how little history or context is routinely offered, it is easy to understand their